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Hii hehe

This is my test website

I simp for Akira /j so i must help her with her dumb things

Akira being stupid video :p

Im updating this site so i can comment ig BTW Alfred fe is babygirl muwah muwah kissy


i guess i should add something here for rn while i learn block and divs and stuff. im akira, im learnin html for funnies with friends.

I grew tired of twitter and other socials looking samey and boring as shit, and i plan to add a bunch of cool stuff here SO LOOK OUT FOR THAT

this project isnt dead if i dont update it, im learning html at a slow pace bc i have bread bird brain but hopinh to have cool stuff here soon :D

heres something funny sorry its a twitter thing ik

hope u enjoy whatever the hell this is, IT'LL BE BETTER SOON I SWEAR!!!